Friday, February 3, 2012

Some Good Things That Happened Today

This is my friend, Hunts. When found, he was near starvation. He fattened up some, and has been overlooked so often while staying at the shelter. He's been there for a year or more. But today? ADOPTED. I am so happy to know that tonight he is in a home, with a family and another dog. He is not stuck in a 3x4 box, he is not lonely, he is in a home.

I had a great conversation with my friend Tracy. We talked for 45 minutes about things we think no one really gets but us. It's nice to know that someone gets me every once in a while.

A volunteer bought me lunch, a veggie sandwich and the absolute best pasta salad I have ever had. EVER. I love that someone was thinking of me, and knows I am 1-always hungry and 2-a vegetarian.

My husband had a job interview today that went pretty well. It would mean both more money and more hours, and i would have to do something different as far as my schedule goes, but that's fine by me.

My lovely 14 year old daughter cooked dinner, which is a great thing especially since I have been on my feet since 5 AM.

It was a good day.

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